Mood Yoga Mood Yoga is Jane Wiesner's unique approach to yoga that will help you to:
Keep the moody ogre at bay with Mood Yoga! Illustration by Charlotte Gelin. |
Mood Yoga is an art—the art of being well. It is a style of yoga practice that not only incorporates the usual methods of Hatha Yoga (physical) practice but offers a unique way of improving the individual's emotional life. Mood Yoga inspires peace of mind while it works to achieve a state of balance in the body, mind and spirit. Mood Yoga is about creating new life-habits; positive life-habits that lead to the ultimate form of freedom: happiness.
Jane is currently preparing a book about mood yoga—many of the asanas (postures), photographs and ideas on this website have been taken from this upcoming publication. Learn more about it >>
Background Concepts to Mood Yoga:
Mood Yoga—The Method & The Book: